Most frequent questions and answers
The products in our shop are digital products that can be printed at home or school. We also have a collection of digital games that do not require printing.
Resources for Yassah-Rose Early Learning target children who are beginning to learn how to read. These children are between ages 3-6 but children learn at different rates so we offer bundles that meet the dynamic needs of young readers. You can also contact us for a one on one assessment to help you to see which resources you reader may need to start their reading journey with us.
A child’s first teacher is their parent/primary caregiver so you are always welcome here. The For Parent section provides blogs and videos that speak to the unique challenges you have teaching your child at home – whether you are homeschooling or providing extra support at home. The Paren’t Portal Membership gives you access to all resources on a monthly basis with 30 new resources added each month!
Knowing where other children typically fall in the reading development process is helpful. Speaking with their teacher is a good point to start and noticing if they are having difficulty with individual letter sounds are good indicators. You can also contact us for a one on one reading skills assessment to see where your child is on their reading development journey.
Many of the resources are appropriate regardless of version of English with the short vowel sounds being the difference. Currently these products are available in US English.
Our international customers are welcome to purchase without worrying about shipping! The products in our shop are available for instant download or access and do not require shipping.
Yes. We offer one on one support for specific questions or challenges teachers and parents are having. You can book a session here. Classroom teachers are also able to receive support via our Teacher’s Lounge Membership that includes access to our instructional support group.
You can purchase a gift card for your family and friends. If you want them to have a specific product simply copy the product name in the email you will send with the gift card. This will allow them know exactly the solution you have found for them! For membership gift cards please contact us to ensure the correct email address is on file.
Yes. Resources, videos and blogs for homeschooling parents are found in the For Parents section. You may also save money with a monthly membership to the Parent’s Portal that gives you access to all resources including 30 new products added each month.
There are many strategies you can use to teach reading skills. I go in depth in our For Teachers and For Parents section. Each section gives practical strategies that are more appropriate for the home or classroom setting.
Heya I'm Korbalagae and welcome to my website! I'm a former preschool to first grade teacher who loves helping my teacher friends. So here you will find teaching ideas as well as resources to make teaching easier for you. Though the main focus of this website in early literacy, you'll find blogs to help you with classroom management, general kinderlife as well as how to incorporate holidays into your teaching routine. If you ever have a question or a specific resource request reach out to me at korbalagae@yassahrose-earlylearning.com
Yassah-Rose Early Learning makes teaching kindergarten easier for teachers like you!